CFP Bucerius Young Scholars Forum
UC Berkeley, October 10-13, 2022 The Pacific Regional Office of the German Historical Institute Washington DC (GHI PRO) invites proposals for papers to be presented at the sixth Bucerius Young Scholars Forum, which will be held at UC Berkeley, October...

SHEAR DEI Fellowships
In order to further the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic’s mission to foster research on “the rich complexity and enduring significance of the early American republic,” SHEAR will offer four research fellowships to scholars examining Latinx, Indigenous,...

Massachusetts Historical Society Fellowships 2022-23
The Massachusetts Historical Society will offer dozens of research fellowships for the 2022-2023 academic year, ranging from short-term support to long-term residency. The MHS collections primarily consist of manuscripts, as well as books, pamphlets, maps, newspapers, graphics, photographs, works of art, and historical...

Bavarian American Academy
Annual Conference 2022, July 7-9 Representations and Uses of the American Revolution in Past and Present Call for Papers The American Revolution is, obviously, the founding moment of the United States of America that continues to be present in the...

7th Summer Academy of Atlantic History
Atlantic Worlds between the Global and the National Universität Bayreuth, Germany, via Zoom 26 August – 30 August 2021 http://localhost/eeasa/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Zoom-Program-2021.pdf The corona virus, BREXIT, “America first” and many other current developments and crises bring up the crucial question how much...

Publication: De la Nouvelle-Néerlande à New York, by Anne-Claire Faucquez
485 pages158 x 240 mm2021978-2-84654-569-336 € L’histoire de la colonie de New York ne peut être dissociée de celle de l’esclavage. En effet, l’esclavage fut implanté dès l’arrivée des premiers colons néerlandais en 1624 et se développa parallèlement à la colonie,...

Call for Papers: How to Decolonize the Curriculum? Wie können wir das Curriculum dekolonialisieren? Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium „Postcolonial und Gender Studies“
Center for Postcolonial and Gender Studies, Universität Trier, Germany Deadline: April 19, 2021 From H-Net, March 24, 2021 The Center for Postcolonial and Gender Studies (CePoG) is organizing an interdisciplinary colloquium on July 2 and 3, 2021, aimed at all...

Job: Post Doctorate Research Associate
University of Liverpool Centre for the Study of International Slavery Postdoctoral Research Associate (0.6 fte) - Grade 7 Humanities & Social Sciences 025379 £34,805 - £40,322 pa (pro rata) Closing date: 06-Apr-2021 23:30 The Centre for the Study for International...

EVENT: Moving Beyond the Monograph- New and Creative Models of Academic Publication Every Scholar of Humanities Should Know About
From H-Net Early America, March 3, 2021 by Avi Staiman Dear H-Early-America I want to invite you to join me for my exclusive interview with Chris Harrison, Publishing Development Director of Humanities and Social Sciences at Cambridge University Press as part of our...

Journée publications récentes REDEHJA – 26 mars 2021 (online)
Journée publications récentes REDEHJA 26 mars 2021 En raison de la situation sanitaire actuelle, cette journée est organisée entièrement à distance. Veuillez vous inscrire à la date et l’heure qui vous conviennent le mieux (inscription préalable obligatoire) ici: Après votre inscription, vous recevrez...