Call for Participants: Archives, Slavery & Race-Making Summer School, King’s College London, July 3-7, 2023 (deadline March 3rd)
The Centre for Early Modern Studies (CEMS) at King’s College London is pleased to invite applications for a fully-funded, week-long summer school exploring new methodological approaches to the archives of race & slavery in the early modern world. Bringing...

PhD scholarship project at the Wilberforce Institute
Maritime Quarantine and Transatlantic Slavery Application deadline: January 10, 2022 Applications are invited for this PhD scholarship project, working with the renowned Wilberforce Institute at the University of Hull, seeking to mine underexplored data within Slave Voyages to analyse what we can...

Upcoming Symposium: Legacies of Slavery, Racism, and Empire in the History of Medicine
by Christopher Willoughby Dear colleagues,We are pleased to announce the international symposium “Legacies of Slavery, Racism, and Empire in the History of Medicine” to be held on November 12, 2021. The symposium is organized by the University of Chicago Center in Paris and the...

Publication: De la Nouvelle-Néerlande à New York, by Anne-Claire Faucquez
485 pages158 x 240 mm2021978-2-84654-569-336 € L’histoire de la colonie de New York ne peut être dissociée de celle de l’esclavage. En effet, l’esclavage fut implanté dès l’arrivée des premiers colons néerlandais en 1624 et se développa parallèlement à la colonie,...

Seeking Freedom: The Underground Railroad in the Mid-Atlantic
From H-Atlantic, June 2, 2021 Lincoln University and Voices Underground 2021 CFP Lincoln University, Pennsylvania March 31, April 1-2, 2022 The Lincoln University Center for the Study of the Underground Railroad and Voices Underground, an organization focused on preserving and...

LeBlanc on Ogborn, ‘The Freedom of Speech: Talk and Slavery in the Anglo-Caribbean World’ by H-Net Reviews
Miles Ogborn. The Freedom of Speech: Talk and Slavery in the Anglo-Caribbean World. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2019. x + 309 pp. $35.00 (paper), ISBN 978-0-226-65768-4; $105.00 (cloth), ISBN 978-0-226-65592-5. Reviewed by Dylan LeBlanc (La Lumiere School) Published on H-Atlantic (May, 2021) Commissioned by Bryan Rindfleisch (Marquette...

Job: Post Doctorate Research Associate
University of Liverpool Centre for the Study of International Slavery Postdoctoral Research Associate (0.6 fte) - Grade 7 Humanities & Social Sciences 025379 £34,805 - £40,322 pa (pro rata) Closing date: 06-Apr-2021 23:30 The Centre for the Study for International...

Seeking panelists for AHA 2022: “Slavery and Sexual Economies in the Atlantic World”
From H-Atlantic, March 1, 2021 We are seeking to put a panel together for the 2022 AHA on the sexual economy of slavery in the Atlantic World (broadly construed) from the sixteenth to the nineteenth centuries. Currently, one paper will analyze...

CFP Sugar and Slaves
50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE PUBLICATION OF RICHARD S. DUNN’S SUGAR AND SLAVES: THE RISE OF THE PLANTER CLASS IN THE ENGLISH WEST INDIES, 1624-1713 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of one of the foundational books in the writing of Caribbean...