Prix de thèse SEAA 17-18
Le Prix de thèse SEAA 17-18 récompense une thèse en français ou en anglais, soutenue dans une université française, ou soutenue dans le cadre d'une cotutelle incluant une université française, pendant les deux années civiles précédant l'année de l'ouverture du concours. Il...

PhD scholarship project at the Wilberforce Institute
Maritime Quarantine and Transatlantic Slavery Application deadline: January 10, 2022 Applications are invited for this PhD scholarship project, working with the renowned Wilberforce Institute at the University of Hull, seeking to mine underexplored data within Slave Voyages to analyse what we can...

Heidelberg Center for American Studies Annual Spring Academy Conference
Heidelberg, Germany, March 21-25, 2022 The Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) invites applications for its annual Spring Academy on American Culture, Economics, Geography, History, Literature, Politics, and Religion to be held from March 21-25, 2022. The HCA Spring Academy provides 20...

Invitation Roundtable Series Women and Empire: Indigeneity
Harvard Graduate Conference on International History March 27, 2-4PM Eastern Time Please join the Con-IH 2021 Coordinating Committee for our Spring 2021 virtual roundtable series on Gender and Empire. Please see more information below on our next roundtable, Indigeneity, taking place March 27, 2-4PM Eastern....

Job: Post Doctorate Research Associate
University of Liverpool Centre for the Study of International Slavery Postdoctoral Research Associate (0.6 fte) - Grade 7 Humanities & Social Sciences 025379 £34,805 - £40,322 pa (pro rata) Closing date: 06-Apr-2021 23:30 The Centre for the Study for International...

PhD Seminar in American History and American Studies
by Dario Fazzi From H-Atlantic, March 8 2021 Call for Papers Date: April 23, 2021 Location: Netherlands Subject Fields: American History / Studies The Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS) is a leading research centre and graduate school, partnered with Leiden University, dedicated to...