Submit your proposal for the 27th OI Annual Conference at the University of Poitiers in Poitiers, France, June 19-21, 2024.
Proposals are due NOVEMBER 1, 2023. Vast Early America: a Transcontinental Conversation This conference is co-sponsored by the USC Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute. Early Americanists have become familiar with the framework of Vast Early America, but VEA’s engagement with continental...

CFP Memory and Oblivion in the British Isles and the early Americas
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris, France 11-13 January 2024 Call for Papers for the congress celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Société d’Études Anglo-Américaines des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles (SEAA1718) Memory and oblivion in the British Isles and the early Americas The Society for...

Prix de thèse SEAA 17-18
Le Prix de thèse SEAA 17-18 récompense une thèse en français ou en anglais, soutenue dans une université française, ou soutenue dans le cadre d'une cotutelle incluant une université française, pendant les deux années civiles précédant l'année de l'ouverture du concours. Il...

CFP: 2023-2024 Seminars at the Massachusetts Historical Society
Call for ProposalsDeadline: 27 March 2023 Hosted by the Massachusetts Historical Society The Massachusetts Historical Society (MHS) is accepting proposals for the 2023-2024 academic year. We invite proposals (500 words) and CVs (3 pages maximum) from interested researchers. Please indicate when your paper...

Imagining Emancipation in the Atlantic World, 1750-1888
Workshop at the University of Exeter June 2nd-3rd 2023 The concept of emancipation has come under increasing scrutiny in recent years. Historians like Kris Manjapra and critical theorists such as Rinaldo Walcott have exposed the troubling extent to which the emancipation...

CfP Special Issue: Indentured Bodies / Embodiments of Indenture (Journal of Indentureship and its Legacies)
March 31, 2023 Systems of indentureship have included a variety of social actors such as indentured labourers, recruiters and planters. The specific conditions of the recruitment process, the transportation of labourers to their assigned work sites, the labour itself and...

CFP: Dublin Seminar on Indigenous Histories in New England: Pastkeepers and Pastkeeping
June 23-24, 2023 The Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife (founded 1976) is pleased to announce the subject of its 2023 gathering, Indigenous Histories in New England: Pastkeepers and Pastkeeping, to be held June 23–24, 2023. Three decades have passed since...

Society for the History of Discoveries 2023 Conference
Worlds of Exploration The James Ford Bell Library, with its extensive collection of rare books, maps, manuscripts, and archival collections, documenting the history and impact of trade and cultural exchange before the 19th century, offers an ideal venue to host the...

Call for Papers on America’s 250th
Two co-editors of an upcoming book of essays about historic sites on the eve of America’s 250th anniversary seek submissions from heritage practitioners and humanities scholars to discuss inclusive, expansive, and reflective narratives of the Revolutionary Era (1750-1830). The book...

CFP Slavery and the Environment in the Americas
University of Kansas May 2024 Slavery played a critical role in shaping and reshaping the environment in the Americas. Slave-grown export crops such as sugar, tobacco, cotton, coffee, and rice transformed the landscspe. The rise of the Atlantic slave trade...