Prix de thèse SEAA 17-18
Le Prix de thèse SEAA 17-18 récompense une thèse en français ou en anglais, soutenue dans une université française, ou soutenue dans le cadre d'une cotutelle incluant une université française, pendant les deux années civiles précédant l'année de l'ouverture du concours. Il...

CfP Special Issue: Indentured Bodies / Embodiments of Indenture (Journal of Indentureship and its Legacies)
March 31, 2023 Systems of indentureship have included a variety of social actors such as indentured labourers, recruiters and planters. The specific conditions of the recruitment process, the transportation of labourers to their assigned work sites, the labour itself and...

Call for Papers on America’s 250th
Two co-editors of an upcoming book of essays about historic sites on the eve of America’s 250th anniversary seek submissions from heritage practitioners and humanities scholars to discuss inclusive, expansive, and reflective narratives of the Revolutionary Era (1750-1830). The book...

DEADLINE EXTENDED – Call for publications: Revista Esboços, special issue “Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Brazilian Slavery in Global Perspective”
The Brazilian journal Esboços: histórias em contextos globais (ISSN 2175-7976) invites researchers to submit papers to the special issue “Eighteenth and Nineteenth Century Brazilian Slavery in Global Perspective” organized by Clemente Gentil Penna, Marcelo Matheus, and Melina Teubner. The papers...

French Colonial Historical Society Book Prizes
The French Colonial Historical Society/Société d’histoire coloniale française awards two book prizes annually for the best books on French colonial or post-colonial history published during the preceding year. The Boucher Prize is awarded in honor of long-time members and active...

TSA-CUP Book Prize
TRANSATLANTIC STUDIES ASSOCIATION AND CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS BOOK PRIZE The TSA-CUP book prize is awarded to the best book published within a given year in the broad field of transatlantic studies. Both monographs and edited collections are eligible. We are...

Postcolonial Perspectives in Area Studies (special issue)
The journal Acta Universitatis Carolinae – Studia Territorialia invites authors to submit articles for a special issue titled “Postcolonial Perspectives in Area Studies.” Postcolonialism as a lens through which the globalizing world can be viewed and explored is one of the most controversial...

Call for contributors: South American from European Contact through Independence
Now seeking contributors to a forthcoming two-volume encyclopedia on South American history from European contact through independence, to be published by ABC-CLIO under the editorship of Micheal Tarver and Carlos Márquez. Expressions of interest are welcome from graduate students, postdocs,...

The New American Antiquarian, no. 1
Call for Papers The New American Antiquarian (NAA), a new peer-reviewed journal dedicated to reconstructing the hemispheric American past to 1825 A.D. through the publication of critically edited source material, invites submissions for its inaugural issue. NAA welcomes submissions of previously...

CFP: Forum on Early-Modern Empires and Global Interactions (FEEGI) biennial conference
The Forum on Early-Modern Empires and Global Interactions (FEEGI) invites paper proposals for its fourteenth biennial conference, to be held online February 24-26, 2022. FEEGI conferences investigate the histories of places and people touched directly and indirectly, advantageously or catastrophically, by...