2023–24 Research Fellowships: Library Company of Philadelphia and Historical Society of Pennsylvania 

Application deadline: January 15, 2023

Full Fellowships Program details

Short-term (one month) and long-term dissertation fellowships support on-site research in the collections of the Library Company and the Historical Society of Pennsylvania in a variety of fields and disciplines relating to the history of the United States and the Atlantic world, including (but not limited to) African American history, economic history, visual culture, the history of health and medicine, women’s history, material culture, literature, publishing history, and book history. 


Details available here; apply here.

The Library Company offers the following long-term dissertation fellowships, each with a stipend of $25,000 for the academic year (September 1, 2023, to May 31, 2024) or $12,500 for the fall or spring semester.

  • The Program in Early American Economy and Society (PEAES) Dissertation Fellowship
  • The Program in African American History (PAAH) Mellon Dissertation Fellowship
  • The Albert M. Greenfield Foundation Dissertation Fellowship, which supports research on any subject relevant to the Library Company’s collections


Details available here; apply here.

The Library Company offers the following short-term fellowships, many awarded jointly with the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. They support a month of research in residence between June 1, 2023, and May 31, 2024, with a stipend of $2,500. Both academic and independent researchers are welcome to apply. Submit a single application to be considered for all relevant short-term opportunities.

  • Program in Early American Economy and Society (PEAES) Short-Term Fellowships
  • Program in African American History Short-Term Mellon Scholars Research Fellowships
  • Davida T. Deutsch Fellowship in Women’s History
  • William Reese Company Fellowship in American Bibliography
  • McLean Contributionship Fellowship
  • William H. Helfand Fellowship for American Medicine, Science, and Society
  • American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) Fellowship
  • William H. Helfand Fellowship for American Visual Culture
  • Anthony N.B. and Beatrice Garvan Fellowship in American Material Culture
  • Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Fellowships (awarded for projects in any area supported by the collections)
  • Barra Foundation International Research Fellowships in American History and Culture (awarded to citizens of other countries living outside the U.S.)
  • Society for Historians of the Early American Republic (SHEAR) Fellowship
  • Historical Society of Pennsylvania Richardson Dilworth Fellowship for Law, Politics, and Reform
  • Historical Society of Pennsylvania Esther Ann McFarland Fellowship (supporting research in either 17th-century Pennsylvania history or in the history of African Americans in Pennsylvania)
  • Historical Society of Pennsylvania Robert L. McNeil Jr. Fellowships (supporting research in early American history)

Contact Info: Christine Nelson, Fellowships Manager

Contact Email: fellowships@librarycompany.org

URL: https://librarycompany.org/academic-programs/fellowships-2/

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