American Philosophical Society Fellowships

The Library & Museum of the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia invites applications for sabbatical, postdoctoral, predoctoral, and short-term research fellowships for projects in all fields, and particularly those pertaining to Native American and Indigenous Studies, Early American History and Culture, and the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. 

The Library & Museum’s collections make it among the premier institutions for documenting and exhibiting the history of the American Revolution and founding, the history of science from Newton to NASA, Native American languages and culture, and the development of American anthropology. The Library & Museum houses over 14 million manuscripts; 275,000 volumes of printed materials and bound periodicals; 250,000 images, fine art, and other objects; thousands of maps and prints; and more than 3,500 hours of audio recordings of Native American languages.

Comprehensive, searchable guides and finding aids to our collections are available online at and

See individual fellowship descriptions below for more information and instructions on how to apply. For a complete listing of all APS grant and fellowship opportunities, visit

Long-Term Fellowships

Deadline: January 28, 2022 

APS-NEH Sabbatical Fellowship

This fellowship offers $5,000 per month for 6 or 12 months to a mid-career or senior scholar seeking sabbatical support for the completion of a book project in all fields. These opportunities are funded by The National Endowment for the Humanities.

To apply, please submit materials to

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative Postdoctoral Fellowship 

This 12-month fellowship offers $45-60K plus health benefits for a recent Ph.D., professor seeking sabbatical support, or an independent scholar working closely with an Indigenous community on a project.

To apply, please submit materials to

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative Predoctoral Fellowship

These fellowships offer $25,000 to an advanced Ph.D. student working on a dissertation in Native American and Indigenous Studies.

To apply, please submit materials to

David Center for the American Revolution Predoctoral Fellowship

This 12-month fellowship offers $25,000 to an advanced Ph.D. student working on a dissertation about the American Revolution and Founding Era. 

To apply, please submit materials to

John C. Slater Predoctoral Fellowship in the History of Science

This 12-month fellowship offers $25,000 to an advanced Ph.D. student working on a dissertation pertaining to the history of science, broadly defined.

To apply, please submit materials to

Friends of the American Philosophical Society Predoctoral Fellowship 

This 12-month fellowship offers $25,000 to an advanced Ph.D. candidate in any field working on a dissertation related to Library & Museum collections.

To apply, please submit materials to

Short-Term Fellowships

Deadline: March 4, 2022

Short-Term Resident Research Fellowships

These fellowships provide support for researchers in all fields using Library & Museum collections for their projects. A stipend of $3,000 per month is awarded to all successful applicants for a minimum of one month and a maximum of three months. 

To apply, please submit materials to

Digital Humanities

These fellowships provide $3,000 per month for  1-2 months to scholars at all career stages developing digital projects that: 1) utilize Library & Museum collections, open datasets, or other holdings to advance a digital component of an independent research project, or, 2) seek to apply existing tools and expertise to digital projects developed in collaboration with the Library & Museum’s Center for Digital Scholarship.

To apply, please submit materials to

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative Digital Knowledge Sharing Fellowships

These fellowships support university- and community-based scholars and researchers working on digital projects that connect archives and Indigenous communities. Successful applicants will receive $3,000 plus the costs associated with visiting the APS’s Library & Museum for the summer workshop with other DKS fellows.

To apply, please submit materials to

The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Native American Scholars Initiative Undergraduate Internships

These paid 8-week internships provide three talented undergraduates with the opportunity to conduct research, to explore career possibilities in archives and special collections, and to learn about advanced training in Native American and Indigenous Studies and related fields. Interns will receive a stipend between $3000 and $3500 (depending on housing costs), plus a travel allowance. 

To apply, please submit materials to

Indigenous Community Research Fellowship

These short-term fellowships offer up to $5,000 to support research by Indigenous community members and others, regardless of background, seeking to examine Library & Museum materials in support of Indigenous community-based priorities.

To apply, please submit materials to

David Center for the American Revolution Short-Term Research Fellowship

These one month fellowships provide $3,000 for researchers working on projects about the American Revolution and Founding Era who show a demonstrated need to use Library & Museum collections.

To apply, please submit materials to

Swan Foundation Short-Term Resident Research Fellowship for Revolutionary-Era Material Culture

This fellowship provides one month of support to work in the artifact collections of the Swan Historical Foundation, the American Philosophical Society’s Library & Museum, and other repositories in the Greater Philadelphia Region.

To apply, please submit materials to


Contact regarding the fellowship program and the Library & Museum of the American Philosophical Society may be directed to Adrianna Link, Ph.D., Head of Scholarly Programs, at or by phone at 215-440-3415.

The American Philosophical Society is committed to maintaining the highest standards of scholarly excellence while supporting a working and intellectual environment that fosters an inclusive atmosphere for learning, prizes diverse origins and points of view, advances equal opportunities to learn and communicate, and encourages the widest possible access to its collections. The APS has titled these goals the APS IDEA (Inclusivity, Diversity, Equality, and Access) for its enduring institutional commitment to these values.

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